[Ajax/Websocket] Yui Shoutbox - 2.4.0
(2015-09-13, 12:42 PM)xPubHD Wrote: Hey, I have a website and for some odd reason whenever I try to shout a message it wont show up. I configured all of the servers correctly and everything should work. I followed all of the instructions correctly aswell.

Website: https://prankcalling.org/

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Please help, I followed everything correctly and I even re-tried making a new OpenShift Server.

so plz send admin test account, openshift account. Send this information in private forum of my test forum https://martec.ml/test/index.php ( Support of Miuna Shoutbox folder)
user: test pass: test123
Ps. You need create account, but not need activation. Plz create account with same nick used here.

Messages In This Thread
[Ajax/Websocket] Yui Shoutbox - 2.4.0 - by martec - 2015-06-17, 05:21 AM
RE: [Ajax/Websocket] Yui Shoutbox - 2.4.0 - by martec - 2015-09-13, 01:45 PM

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