Adding icon to latest post by "specific rank"
I don't believe a user's group information is available at that spot (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong). I'll provide this hackish way around it, in case you're interested. This is by no means the best solution, you'd want to use some sort of plugin to bring this information forward.

You can target these by user ID (For each staff member) and style them accordingly.

/* Admins */
.last-post a[href~=user-5435] { /* Joe */
    color: orange;

/* Super Mods */
.last-post a[href~=user-2543] { /* Jim */
    color: orange;

You can also combine it with font-awesome and use a pseudo element to place the icon there. Hope it helps and good luck. Smile

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RE: Adding icon to latest post by "specific rank" - by Eric - 2016-06-27, 04:42 PM

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