(2017-01-11, 04:05 PM)dragonexpert Wrote: Any issues with this I'd say should go to Plugin Development.
Thanks for the tips and for the direction. I'll mark this thread as resolved, and then post my solution once it's completed.
Here's my first attempt at a CSV user importer. It's command-line only, sorry, because that's all I need. Plus, as you will see, it is quite simple. Because it's so short, I'm pasting the code here. If admins prefer, I can host it on my server and link it.
I assume anybody who knows how to use a shell will know what to do with this. Perhaps someone who does UI stuff might turn this into a proper MyBB plugin.
- I've put in some protection to prevent the script from being invoked from the web, but I can't promise anything, especially not on a Windows-hosted instance.
- Just to reiterate: do not put csv files in your docroot or public_html directory or plain-text passwords might be visible to the world if they can guess the filename.
* mybb_csv_users.php -- MyBB mass import users from CSV, v1.0
* (c) 2017 David King
* Licence: GPL 2.1. No warranties express or implied. Use at your own risk.
* This is a **COMMAND-LINE** tool for mass creation of MyBB users.
* Instructions for use:
* - create a csv file describing the users to create:
* - **DO NOT** put this anywhere in your web docroot!
* - The first line must be a header labelling each field
* - Mandatory fields: username, password, email, usergroup
* - password is plain-text (hence warning about docroot)
* - Optional field: regdate, a unix timestamp
* - leading and trailing whitespace is stripped which may have
* implications for the password.
* - put this code in your MyBB root directory
* - from the shell:
* php mybb_csv_users.php /path/to/user_data.csv
* Errors will be printed and the script will continue with the next row,
* so you might want to capture the output so you can rerun with those users
* fixed.
* If everything went well, there will be no output.
// Sanity/security checks
array_key_exists( 'SHELL', $_SERVER ) || die( "This tool can only be run from the command line." );
count( $argv ) == 2 || die( "syntax: ${argv[0]} <csv_file>\n" );
$csv_file = $argv[1];
define('IN_MYBB', 1);
require_once './global.php';
require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/datahandlers/user.php';
// Open CSV file and get header
$csv = fopen( $csv_file, 'rt' );
$hdr = array_map( 'trim', fgetcsv( $csv ) );
// Check that required fields are present
foreach( Array( 'username', 'password', 'email', 'usergroup' ) as $k ) {
in_array( $k, $hdr ) || die( "CSV must contain $k field\n" );
// Read and add users
$rc = 0;
while( $u = fgetcsv( $csv ) ) {
$u = array_combine( $hdr, array_map( 'trim', $u ) );
// Determine group ID (yeah, this should be cached, but KISS)
$gid = $db->simple_select( "usergroups", "gid", "title = '${u['usergroup']}'", array('order_by' => 'gid') );
$gid = $db->fetch_field( $gid, 'gid' );
if( !$gid ) {
print "${u['username']}: no such group\n";
$rc = 1;
$u['usergroup'] = $gid;
// Create user
$new_user = new UserDataHandler( 'insert' );
$new_user->set_data( $u );
if( $new_user->validate_user() ) {
$user_info = $new_user->insert_user();
} else {
foreach( $new_user->get_friendly_errors() as $err ) {
print "${u['username']}: $err\n";
$rc = 1;
exit( $rc );