Admin directory updated and improved with the latest version 1.8.10 : admin directory can be now seen exactly as original by intruders.
What's changes?
- Missing files added (e.g. awaiting_activation.php)
- Obsolete files removed (e.g. version_check.php)
- 'jscripts' and 'styles' folders completely replaced by new
- root index.php updated (jQuery script link, date of Copyright...)
How to install? Just replace full admin directory by new. Replace index.php for french front-end mod (only front-end changes of login page).
If you've installed other mods, you will probably need to add files of them... Especially in modules/config and modules/tools directories (e.g. myalerts.php for the MyAlert mod).
Download updated 1.8.10 admin directory below
EDIT: Clear steps:
What's changes?
- Missing files added (e.g. awaiting_activation.php)
- Obsolete files removed (e.g. version_check.php)
- 'jscripts' and 'styles' folders completely replaced by new
- root index.php updated (jQuery script link, date of Copyright...)
How to install? Just replace full admin directory by new. Replace index.php for french front-end mod (only front-end changes of login page).
If you've installed other mods, you will probably need to add files of them... Especially in modules/config and modules/tools directories (e.g. myalerts.php for the MyAlert mod).
Download updated 1.8.10 admin directory below
EDIT: Clear steps:
- Download and install normally the original mod Admin CP Honeypot (include outdated admin folder) following instructions on the first page.
- Once mod activated, delete the admin folder and copy the updated admin folder (for 1.8.10). It's not necessary to disable the mod before.
- Optional: install the french language pack (front-end mod), just replace admin/index.php file by new. You can easily modify index.php for other language...