2018-08-25, 07:36 PM
Add the following to ../inc/functions.php:
In ../inc/functions_archive.php, find the following (around line 264):
Replace with:
In ../inc/functions_forumlist.php, find the following (around line 145):
Replace with:
In ../inc/functions_search.php, find the following (around line 128):
Replace with:
In ../inc/functions_user.php, find and remove the following:
* Performs a timing attack safe string comparison.
* @param string $known_string The first string to be compared.
* @param string $user_string The second, user-supplied string to be compared.
* @return bool Result of the comparison.
function my_hash_equals($known_string, $user_string)
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '>='))
return hash_equals($known_string, $user_string);
$known_string_length = my_strlen($known_string);
$user_string_length = my_strlen($user_string);
if($user_string_length != $known_string_length)
return false;
$result = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $known_string_length; $i++)
$result |= ord($known_string[$i]) ^ ord($user_string[$i]);
return $result === 0;
In ../inc/functions_archive.php, find the following (around line 264):
if(!$mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$fid] || ($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$fid] && !my_hash_equals(md5($mybb->user['uid'].$password), $mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$fid])))
Replace with:
if(!isset($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$fid]) || !my_hash_equals(md5($mybb->user['uid'].$password), $mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$fid]))
In ../inc/functions_forumlist.php, find the following (around line 145):
if($forum['password'] != '' && !my_hash_equals($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']], md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password'])))
$hideinfo = true;
$showlockicon = 1;
Replace with:
if(!isset($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']]) || !my_hash_equals($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']], md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password'])))
$hideinfo = true;
$showlockicon = 1;
In ../inc/functions_search.php, find the following (around line 128):
if(!my_hash_equals($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']], md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password'])))
Replace with:
if(!isset($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']]) || !my_hash_equals($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']], md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password'])))
In ../inc/functions_user.php, find and remove the following:
* Performs a timing attack safe string comparison.
* @param string $known_string The first string to be compared.
* @param string $user_string The second, user-supplied string to be compared.
* @return bool Result of the comparison.
function my_hash_equals($known_string, $user_string)
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '>='))
return hash_equals($known_string, $user_string);
$known_string_length = my_strlen($known_string);
$user_string_length = my_strlen($user_string);
if($user_string_length != $known_string_length)
return false;
$result = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $known_string_length; $i++)
$result |= ord($known_string[$i]) ^ ord($user_string[$i]);
return $result === 0;
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