2018-09-20, 01:52 PM
Well to adress other solution I have one idea...
Backup your database and files. Restore backup on your local machine (eg. xampp, wamp, other http+php+mysql server). To make this work you can use some windows "magic" and use hosts file to make your computer thinkt that your domain is pointing to your PC (I've done that succesfully). When you restore backup your database should work as it is properly installed etc. THEN perform update on local machine, where you can have as many connections as you want. But remember that you will need to update mybb database config to your local machine for this to work (host, username, password, database name, please keep original settings to restore it on your hosting). After performing upgrade you can once again backup files and database from local machine and use them to restore your forum on hosting. If everything has been done properly after changing database config once again to original one your forum should be upgraded and work properly.
Of course you need to remember that this is one of the stupidiest ideas to upgrade forum, but it's possible.
If you make proper backups and don't try to do everything at once it SHOULD (but always there's something that can go wrong) be succesfull.
Backup your database and files. Restore backup on your local machine (eg. xampp, wamp, other http+php+mysql server). To make this work you can use some windows "magic" and use hosts file to make your computer thinkt that your domain is pointing to your PC (I've done that succesfully). When you restore backup your database should work as it is properly installed etc. THEN perform update on local machine, where you can have as many connections as you want. But remember that you will need to update mybb database config to your local machine for this to work (host, username, password, database name, please keep original settings to restore it on your hosting). After performing upgrade you can once again backup files and database from local machine and use them to restore your forum on hosting. If everything has been done properly after changing database config once again to original one your forum should be upgraded and work properly.
Of course you need to remember that this is one of the stupidiest ideas to upgrade forum, but it's possible.
If you make proper backups and don't try to do everything at once it SHOULD (but always there's something that can go wrong) be succesfull.