(2018-10-15, 11:53 PM)v_2 Wrote:Thank you to point it out.(2018-10-15, 11:59 AM)thor2705 Wrote: The plugin is now at v2.1 - it is updated in the mod site
I has also the country flag on user page
I have added also the city.
The information is based on IP so it will be the ISP city not necessary the user city.
It is based on the last IP known but can be changed to the registration IP
License: License
Test site the same as above
Download either at mod site or at the test site
https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?acti...w&pid=1167 << correct Mybb.com MOD link
Support either here or at the test site
It was done after Serpius notice it.