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Solved: 3 Years, 2 Weeks ago Clean up >400K attachments
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Weeks ago
Forum has more than 400K attachments after 8 years. Running the existing AdminCP / Forum and Posts / Attachments / Find Orphaned Attachments does not seem practical on a volume this large. It has never finished even after hours of time. With nary an indication of progress beyond "Scanning Step 2, Please Wait".

I know there are some missing attachments due to incomplete transfer during server migrations the past 5 years. I'd like to clean up the concordance between the database and the saved files. So, some questions:

1. Code in admin/modules/forum/attachment.php for orphans goes through the entire set. Is there a way to modify existing core code to apply a date range to the search?
2. What query with date range would generate a suitable list for manual comparison?
3. Or perhaps a thread-based indication of missing attachments for moderation?
4. Or perhaps a UserCP-based indicator in Manage Attachments that looks to see if there is a file in the system?


How does a Big Board manage this?
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Messages In This Thread
Clean up >400K attachments - by HLFadmin - 2021-12-30, 12:11 AM
RE: Clean up >400K attachments - by mrdeltoid - 2021-12-30, 09:26 PM
RE: Clean up >400K attachments - by mrdeltoid - 2022-01-07, 10:27 PM
RE: Clean up >400K attachments - by nixer55 - 2022-01-07, 11:26 PM
RE: Clean up >400K attachments - by HLFadmin - 2022-01-12, 08:11 PM
RE: Clean up >400K attachments - by HLFadmin - 2022-01-18, 03:08 PM

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