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Solved: 3 Years, 1 Week ago [General] How to combine "website content" with mybb ?
Solved: 3 Years, 1 Week ago
To add to nixer55's answer to the first question:

Yes, it's custom HTML, "Hosted on GitHub Pages using the Jekyll server, Markdown formatting, Liquid templates, and YAML data format." Its source is available in the two GitHub repositories mybb/mybb.com and mybb/docs.mybb.com. Any old HTML/PHP generated by any method, including manually, would work just as well though - so, no, a CMS isn't required, and could even introduce extra difficulties in having to synchronise user accounts between the CMS and MyBB if that were to be a requirement.

There's also a team-only GitHub repository for the Extend section of the site, which is a MyBB plugin.
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RE: How to combine "website content" with mybb ? - by Laird - 2022-01-18, 09:56 PM

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