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[For 1.8] MyConversations: a conversation plugin for MyBB
Yep, this is just the way the MyBB my_mail() function works. It always sets the reply-to header. Even without that header though, it is still possible to accidentally reply to the email address in the "From" header. I don't know of a way to prevent this programmatically, although I have noticed that some platforms set the "From" email address to something like <[email protected]> to give a strong hint. Something like this is probably what you mean by "have a different sending address that is not monitored". And yes, that's a good idea, as well as the "Do not reply to this email" statement that you suggest. I'll add those to my TODO list for this plugin. It might be a while before I act on it though.

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RE: MyConversations: a conversation plugin for MyBB - by Laird - 2022-09-23, 01:14 AM

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