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[For 1.8] MyConversations: a conversation plugin for MyBB
MyConversations version 1.2.5 has just been released.

New features:
  • A bunch more warnings under PHP 8 have been resolved, along with the minor bugs that some of them revealed. This improves the plugin's compatibility with PHP 8.
  • Improves the responsiveness (mobile-friendliness) of the plugin's pages.
  • Provides better global access to unread counts and related status messages for use in templates, via $mybb->user.
  • Bugfix: A database error was occurring in the PMs->conversations migration due to the failure to supply an entry for the likedby column of the cnv_messages table, which requires a value.
  • Bugfix: Auto-linking of bare URLs in messages was partly broken due to MyConversations mistakenly setting the parser option to allow HTML (which breaks auto-linking in MyBB core)..

Thanks to @HLFadmin for pointing out the PHP 8 warning that inspired me to dig around to check for the others that I found. There's no guarantee they've all been found yet, but we should be close to PHP 8 compatibility. Please let me know of any more that you find, @HLFadmin!

Messages In This Thread
RE: MyConversations: a conversation plugin for MyBB - by Laird - 2023-01-30, 08:51 AM

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