2007-07-28, 08:38 PM
Got it!
Apparently, your plugin only sends notification for THREADS, not just when you delete someone's obnoxious POST.
Oh, BTW, the messages need fixing...... I don't think users should be seeing HTML.
This is EXACTLY what was sent to my test user when I moved his thread to the trash can and when it was automatically closed:
Thanks LeX-
Apparently, your plugin only sends notification for THREADS, not just when you delete someone's obnoxious POST.
Oh, BTW, the messages need fixing...... I don't think users should be seeing HTML.
This is EXACTLY what was sent to my test user when I moved his thread to the trash can and when it was automatically closed:
Quote:Hey test,<br /> A Thread You\'ve Made With Subject [ TESTING ] Has Been Moved Into A New Forum [ Trash Can __ http://schoolforums.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=19 ] By MrMedic.<br /> ThreadLink : http://schoolforums.org/showthread.php?tid=1288 <br />Greetings MyBB Team.
Quote:Hey test,<br /> Your Thread With Subject [ TESTING ] Has Been Closed By MrMedic. <br /> Link : http://schoolforums.org/showthread.php?tid=1288 <br />Greetings MyBB Team.
Thanks LeX-