Fill out a form as a new thread/Integrate Profile
I want it so that when you start a new thread, you fill out a form for it.

Name: (text) (required)
Hobbies: (text)
Wanted pokemon: (text)
Details about yourself: (textarea)(required)

Then when you submit a form, that outputs as new post, and the post looks like this:

Name: (what you filled out in the form)
<br />
Hobbies: (what you filled out in the form)
<br />
Details about yourself: (what you filled out in the form)
<br />

Note that the "Awards" thing is not in the form, and should just show up in the post, with no content.

And to edit the post, you click on an option in the User CP, and it shows the form, as well as what you previously added to it. You must be able to edit it like this, because editing will be turned off in the forum itself.

It also must be able to be limited to cetain FID.

Another idea is to just put all your custom profile fields, plus the "name" one into a thread when he user registers, and it changes when they edit their profile

Thanks a heap,


Messages In This Thread
Fill out a form as a new thread/Integrate Profile - by blueparukia - 2007-09-13, 06:50 AM

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