Embed Flashplayer [solved]
Hi, im looking for a plugin to embe jeroenwijering Flashplayer in my Forum. With this mod, user should be able to embe Flashvideos with the MyCode [video]*url*[/video]. Settings should include a field to set the path to the player, the width and heigth of the player and maybe the name of the MyCode.

Here is a wizard to generate an embed code for a single FLV file.

Would be nice if somebody could do this mod!

Greets Abbadon

Messages In This Thread
Embed Flashplayer [solved] - by Abbadon - 2007-10-01, 12:36 PM
RE: Embed Flashplayer - by Yumi - 2007-10-03, 07:05 AM
RE: Embed Flashplayer - by Abbadon - 2007-10-03, 07:34 PM

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