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HTML Custom User Title! (Admin edit only)!
Hey everyone I'm new to MyBB and just learning all the new layout etc... Wink

Well toke me 3 hours to edit/Make but in the end i got there.

I have not seen any "HTML Custom User Title" threads so i though i would release one.

First of all this is my First Plug-in I've made so hope you guys like it.

Here how it works:
Needs Admin powers to do!

1. go to "Admin CP -> Users & Group" find a user you want to change the User Title and "Edit Profile and Settings -> Profile" then scroll down till you see "Custom User Title" and just put the HTML code in there and done.

Isn't this dangerous since allowing HTML in User titles?
1. doubt it cause only admin can allow the HTML in-put so no user can do this as here's an pic of a user or super mod trys it. (This includes admins doing this) if they do it in the "User CP"
[Image: d72100e8affd1b30ee7e2a6d255773d44g.jpg]
So i would say this is safe since people who not admin can't use it.

Now a pic when an admin does it (Not through the "User CP or Mod CP"
[Image: 95b21bd149025b0a31d42e337631f8c74g.jpg]
also see there's no Brackets next to it Wink (The brackets only show in the Profile view).

I Repeat This will not work In The User CP or Mod CP!

Download Link for the Plug-in - Plug-in Allows BBCode/Html in user title

(Note* you might need this 2nd plug-in to make it scroll! Link - Scrolling Text (HTML)
I did not make this Scroll Plug-in!)

Just add these two to the Plug-in file Big Grin

If the links go down please post and i will Fix! Smile

Thank you for reading this thread.

If you use please can you post feedback. Thanks.

Messages In This Thread
HTML Custom User Title! (Admin edit only)! - by killdogz - 2009-12-13, 04:24 AM

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