2011-05-05, 07:38 AM
(2011-02-13, 02:32 AM)Sammyed Wrote:i tried it working but if we put ".png" we can get the image we want to put the Flag name here then it working.it produce bug because it can't change to members choice..how can we made it work it as members selected country(2011-02-13, 12:57 AM)pinguy Wrote: If it is showing the X its because you forgot to remove the X and add the ID number for the fid
I wish I did that.
But no, what I did @ postbit template was:
Quote:<strong><span class="largetext">{$post['profilelink']}</span></strong> <img src="images/flags/{$post['fid10']}.png" ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></img>
Works good.
What I did for memberlist page @ memberlist_user template was:
Quote:<td class="{$alt_bg}">{$user['profilelink']} <img src="images/flags/{$user['fid10']}.png" ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></img><br />
Works good
Now as for profile page @ member_profile template:
Quote:<span class="largetext"><strong>{$formattedname}</strong> <img src="images/flags/{$memprofile['fid10']}.png" ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></img><br /></span><br />
A red X right after the forum member. , and when I get the properties to that red X image it says: "/images/flags/.png".
If the variable, in this case, is not $memprofile .Then what I should try with?. I already tried with $user, $profilefield, and some others LOL with no luck.
Thanks for replying Pinguy.