2011-05-23, 01:43 PM
I hadn't checked out the complete code, but find this:
That should work.
However (!!!) there is a much better solution that doesn't require a core modification and that works with all URLs. Add a new MyCode via AdminCP > Configuration > MyCode with these settings:
Title: Open internal links in same window
Regular expression:
function mycode_parse_url($url, $name="")
and add this on a new line below it: global $mybb;
That should work.
However (!!!) there is a much better solution that doesn't require a core modification and that works with all URLs. Add a new MyCode via AdminCP > Configuration > MyCode with these settings:
Title: Open internal links in same window
Regular expression:
\<a\ href=\"(http://www.yourdomain.com/.*?)\" target=\"_blank\"
Replacement:<a href="$1"