2011-08-30, 02:58 PM
(2011-08-30, 11:22 AM)GerryD Wrote: Hey man! me again.. everything seems to be working well on the showcase, I have 1 or 2 questions though.
Since I implemented the showcase, the inline moderation for threads, posts and even the showcase does not seem to work. when I select the checkbox, it should display (1) in the brackets next to inline moderation, but it does not.
Also, what do I change if I want to create an additional option in the main page. like on your classifieds list, you added Price: to the main screen. I use it as a Garage on a car forum and would like to ad 1/4mile times on the first page, or create a top 5 1/4mile times page.
Lastly, is there anyway I can setup a method to send an email to users when someone added a comment on their showcase setups?
PS.. here is a link to my garage system, check it out if you like.
I do not know why the counter issue happens. The system uses its own JS file (though the JS object name is the same) but the variable it uses for the cookie name is unique to the system. It happens to me as well, but I have not been able to figure it out, Sometimes it goes away and works fine, then it will suddenly stop working for me. I have not figured out the reason yet.
To make a field show up in the main list, just make the Field Order (List) value something other than "-1". That field decides the order of of your fields on the list view. It does not impact the left two or right three fields as these are default.
The next version of the system will have comment notifications. If you can't wait until then, you could create a plugin that hooks into the comment code. I have added a bunch of hooks all over and there should be one or two in the comments bit.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.