Update: The plugin has been submitted to mods.mybb.com: http://mods.mybb.com/view/mybb-captchapack
This thread is posted in "Development" forum as I don't consider my plugin mature yet and want examinations from other plugin developers.
MyBB CAPTCHA Pack is my project to clone Drupal's CAPTCHA Pack, to provide various alternative CAPTCHAs for MyBB. The Github repo is:
Currently only 3 CAPTCHAs are implemented: ASCII art CAPTCHA, CSS CAPTCHA (which uses CSS float to break the positions of characters), and route CAPTCHA (paints a zig-zag line with different characters). And those CAPTCHA are much easier to break than the default image CAPTCHA / reCAPTCHA -- if anyone bothers to do so. Its sole good part is it's different from the default. Oh, and this plugin requires PluginLibrary 11.
The configuration is pretty simple: All in "CAPTCHA Pack" setting group.
The plugin is working in my tests, but as what I stated in README: "mybb-captchapack could be considered of pre-alpha quality right now, since I know pretty little about PHP, MySQL, and MyBB, and the tests I’ve done are few. Usage on productive sites is highly discouraged. For all possible outcomes of using the plugin (including but not limited to burning your CPU, making your monitor explode, or attracting aliens to abduct you) I’m not liable." I'm posting here in hopes that some more experience developers could examine the plugin for possible bugs, especially security issues. Thanks in advance.
This thread is posted in "Development" forum as I don't consider my plugin mature yet and want examinations from other plugin developers.
MyBB CAPTCHA Pack is my project to clone Drupal's CAPTCHA Pack, to provide various alternative CAPTCHAs for MyBB. The Github repo is:
Currently only 3 CAPTCHAs are implemented: ASCII art CAPTCHA, CSS CAPTCHA (which uses CSS float to break the positions of characters), and route CAPTCHA (paints a zig-zag line with different characters). And those CAPTCHA are much easier to break than the default image CAPTCHA / reCAPTCHA -- if anyone bothers to do so. Its sole good part is it's different from the default. Oh, and this plugin requires PluginLibrary 11.
The configuration is pretty simple: All in "CAPTCHA Pack" setting group.
The plugin is working in my tests, but as what I stated in README: "mybb-captchapack could be considered of pre-alpha quality right now, since I know pretty little about PHP, MySQL, and MyBB, and the tests I’ve done are few. Usage on productive sites is highly discouraged. For all possible outcomes of using the plugin (including but not limited to burning your CPU, making your monitor explode, or attracting aliens to abduct you) I’m not liable." I'm posting here in hopes that some more experience developers could examine the plugin for possible bugs, especially security issues. Thanks in advance.