2012-12-23, 11:31 PM
For anyone using cloudflare or another reverse proxy you may want to follow the advice of Kretol over in the reviews for the plugin:
Just to note, this doesn't help too much if you're using a CDN or other reverse-proxy for your site.
To take advantage of reverse-proxies (or Cloudflare if you've edited functions.php), open the index.php file in the honeypot admin directory and edit as follows:
Line 26:
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
change to:
$ip = get_ip();
This will use mybb's function, so it'll take into account the reverse-proxies.
I tested it myself and it worked, but I'm not super-awesome with code to know if it's bad for performance or anything. Please feel free to correct me if needed!
Written By: Kretol, 25th September 2011