2013-01-15, 11:49 AM
first, sorry for my Bad english
I hope tis ist Ok to Post this little Patch
i have made some changes on the enevtthread.php so the events Function can put in some Forums.
Search for: (3 times)
Change to:
In Konfig of the Plugin you can put the fid of the Forum like this
1,34,6,7 an so on
first, sorry for my Bad english
I hope tis ist Ok to Post this little Patch
i have made some changes on the enevtthread.php so the events Function can put in some Forums.
Search for: (3 times)
#$target_forum = eventthread_settings("eventthread_forum");
#if($target_forum == "") return;
Change to:
#$target_forum = eventthread_settings("eventthread_forum");
#if($target_forum == "") return;
// Anfang PATCH Für viele Foren
$target_forum1= explode(",", eventthread_settings("eventthread_forum"));
if($target_forum1 == "") return;
$tef_key = array_search($fid, $target_forum1);
$target_forum = $target_forum1[$tef_key];
// ENDE PATCH Für viele Foren
In Konfig of the Plugin you can put the fid of the Forum like this
1,34,6,7 an so on