Found a minor bug,
if you have the registration agreement disabled..... the form for entry of the code does not appear. So in my system I updated line 346
I'm guessing the extra AND is being used to reduce load of member.php, would be better to check if user is a guest. I just dont know how to do that off the top of my head though.. so for now this is how im going to run it like this which works. - went ahead and figured this out because there were issues on other pages.
if you have the registration agreement disabled..... the form for entry of the code does not appear. So in my system I updated line 346
if(my_strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'member.php') AND !isset($_POST['bday1']) AND (isset($_POST['agree']) OR isset($_POST['regsubmit'])))
if(my_strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'member.php') AND !$mybb->user['uid'] )
I'm guessing the extra AND is being used to reduce load of member.php, would be better to check if user is a guest. I just dont know how to do that off the top of my head though.. so for now this is how im going to run it like this which works. - went ahead and figured this out because there were issues on other pages.