Solved: 3 Months, 1 Week, 2 Days ago How to change the actual HTML code inside $onlinemembers?
Solved: 3 Months, 1 Week, 2 Days ago
The structure of these things is a bit weird ...

Anyway, on the left side (Theme Roundo Light), there is the "Who is Online" Part.

There is an error in the HTML code there where it uses "fa-solid" but since the page uses FA 5 and not 4, then a blank square is shown.
I need to change that "fa-solid fa..." to "fas fa....".

But I cannot find the code anywhere to do that! I checked all Templates, and even checked the DB (searched for "fa-solid" - 0 results).
So, how does this thing get "generated"?

In the templates, for example on "index_whoisonline" there is just this:


And on "portal_whoisonline" there is this:

<span class="smalltext">
{$lang->online_users}<br /><strong>&raquo;</strong> {$lang->online_counts}<br />{$onlinemembers}

So, how on earth does this " {$onlinemembers} " turn into this (this is what is then on the page source code):

<span class="smalltext">1 Members, 7 Guests</span><br>
	<!-- start: index_whosonline -->
Google&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-angle-right text-muted little"></i> 

WHERE does the " <i class="fa-solid fa-angle-right text-muted little"></i>" even come from?!

I mean, when I search here, or even on Google - the only answers are always the same: "Go to ACP - Templates --- edit template you want"

But there is NOTHING in those templates, as shown above. There is a single parameter which then "magically" adds all the HTML code and FA and what not.

Where can I actually edit that?

So, I solved it myself.

For anyone interested, this was (strangely) hidden in the language files.

In this case in "english/global.lang.php"

Messages In This Thread
How to change the actual HTML code inside $onlinemembers? - by sHuRuLuNi - 2024-10-09, 07:13 AM

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