Not Solved Converting from PhpBB to mybb
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When i was converting, it wouldn't let me convert my users and i carn't afford to loose all my users because i have 1,000+ is there anyway to help prevent this?

I also had a error when trying to import threads also it happens when it gets to the last part of importing them here is the error i get:

mySQL error: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 'curtis', 1184260447, 0, '', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1)' at line 1
Query: INSERT INTO mybb_threads (tid, fid, subject, icon, poll, firstpost, uid, username, dateline, lastpost, lastposter, views, replies, closed, sticky, numratings, totalratings, notes, visible) VALUES (803, 26, 'can someone please', 0, 0, 0, , 'curtis', 1184260447, 0, '', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1);

So if anyone could please help me i would be very greatfull.

//SmokeD U
Not Solved
You have used another convertor before. Are you able to restore your full phpBB database as it was before you tried to use that convertor?

If so you should then be able to use the MyBB merge tool to merge a newly installed MyBB forum with the data from your phpBB forum.
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
Not Solved
What error did you get when converting users?
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There was no error, nothing happend thats all lol.
Not Solved
Considering this post was here before you even knew this forum existed, I'm going to assume it got moved here (for some reason).

* MrD. looks at the moderator log.
* MrD. looks at rh1n0
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
Not Solved
Err, were you using the unofficial phpBB converter SmokeD U?
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MrDoom Wrote:Considering this post was here before you even knew this forum existed, I'm going to assume it got moved here (for some reason).

* MrDoom looks at the moderator log.
* MrDoom looks at rh1n0
Heh. My bad. I assumed he/she meant the converter that was made by MyBB.
Not Solved
lol, no this topic was made because i was wanting to convert to MyBB and like 10mins later my topic went bye bye to somewhere at first i thought it got deleted because i couldn't see in here lol.

So that is why i created the other 1 about MyBB 1.1 but now my forum is successfully running if you want to check it out its:
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yes i was using a unofficial convertor, but then i got accespted to the merge system and now my forum is working perfectly because of the merge system lol.

Thanks alot for all of your help.

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