[D] Magic Quotes Deprecated in PHP 5.3+
As some members that are running PHP 5.3+ have found, since Magic Quotes is deprecated, error messages show up since the functions are called in inc/class_core.php.

Find in inc/class_core.php:
// Determine Magic Quotes Status
	$this->magicquotes = 1;
@ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0);
@ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);

Replace with:
if(phpversion() < "5.3")
	// Determine Magic Quotes Status
		$this->magicquotes = 1;
	@ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0);
	@ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);
1scream Founder
Former MyBB Developer & SQA Member
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PHP 5.3 support has been added into the next maintenance release. There's a few more errors than just class_core.php - but the SVN has already been updated...
Marking as dupe since these were already identified and fixed for the next maintenance release a while ago
Oops. Sorry, I didn't update my SVN soon enough.
1scream Founder
Former MyBB Developer & SQA Member
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