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Not Solved Post character limit of 65508?
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Hi there,

It appears that MyBB's "Maximum Message Length" of 0 (unlimited) doesn't seem to be working on all of the MyBB forums I'm on. I have tested on all three of them and have found that at 65508 characters, my message gets cut off. No error or anything.

The post has to actually be submitted for the problem to show. Using the Preview Post function, I can still see my full message without any part of it being cut off.

The problem appears to affect MyBB 1.4 and 1.6.3, the two versions I have had access to. Not sure about other versions.

I was wondering if there was any fix for this, as I need very long posts. Splitting my post into 2 posts isn't an option for me.

Thank you for your time.
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The limit doesn't exist in MyBB itself I believe, but rather the datatype used by the database. There's no way around it that I know of.
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[Image: banner.png]
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Oh darn. Well, thanks anyway.
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Is there any danger in changing this (manually) for a running forum?

edit: I meant changing the field type in the database.
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Don't change it. From what I see, it's the MySQL field, it doesn't get any larger.
- Connor L.
.ocean-surface { position: relative; } #titanic { float: none; position: absolute; top: -3800m; }
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My concern would be large text tables which do take up bytes even if empty.

Maybe instead of unlimited MyBB should mention in the setting that a hard limit of 65,000 exists because of the database type.

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The default post length limit is the database limit.
[Image: banner.png]
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OK. And would changing that limit (by changing the field type in the db) be ok or could that do any damage to the db? (I don't worry about the server load.)
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