I have to submit a form to their website, which then pushes back to my chatbox.
<iframe width=0 height=0 src='chatboxsubmit.php?poster=mybb-> *user of last post*&link=mybb-> *link to last post*&title=mybb-> *title of thread last posted in *;' onload='JAVASCRIPT:this.theForm.submit();'></iframe>
chatboxsumbit.php would contain the code that autosubmits a form, but I would have to know how to pull the last post made. I would also need to know where to place the iframe in order to force it to update the chatbox only on a new post.
Psuedocode example:
//file: chatboxsubmit.php
<form id='theForm' action='someotherwebstie.html' method='POST' >
<input type='hidden' id='nme' value="Forum Bot" />
$message = $_GET['poster'] . " posted in the thread [url='" . $_GET['link'] . "']" . $_GET['title'] . "[/url].";
<input type='hidden' name='pst' value="<?php echo($message); ?>" />
Basically when a post event occurs I need to have that iframe injected into the current page so taht it will update the chat box.