2011-11-26, 12:04 AM
I recently just viewed my forum after a night out with a few friends and i've noticed that the footer of my forum has been completely removed.
I checked the footer template file and this is the only code it displays:
I am not sure why alot of the code has been removed but ill look into it. In the mean while does anyone have the default code so i could replace my footer back to normal?
Thanks alot.
I recently just viewed my forum after a night out with a few friends and i've noticed that the footer of my forum has been completely removed.
I checked the footer template file and this is the only code it displays:
<br />
<div class="bottommenu">
<div class="float_right">{$lang_select}</div>
<span class="smalltext"><a href="{$mybb->settings['contactlink']}">{$lang->bottomlinks_contactus}</a> | <a href="{$mybb->settings['homeurl']}">{$mybb->settings['homename']}</a> | <a href="#top">{$lang->bottomlinks_returntop}</a> | <a href="#content">{$lang->bottomlinks_returncontent}</a> | <a href="<archive_url>">{$lang->bottomlinks_litemode}</a> | <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=syndication">{$lang->bottomlinks_syndication}</a></span>
</div><a href="http://www.mmogamer.co.uk/misc.php?page=banlist">Ban List</a>
I am not sure why alot of the code has been removed but ill look into it. In the mean while does anyone have the default code so i could replace my footer back to normal?
Thanks alot.
Please Follow me on Twitter @ MMO_G