PM How to disable Save Copy

I wanted to know how I can make the 'save copy' option in Private Messaging unticked by default.
You cannot, sorry...

I've looked in both the User CP and Admin CP and there doesn't seem to be an option for it.

It would need to be modified into the source code.
Do NOT PM me for Support!

In private.php, find:
		if($mybb->user['signature'] != "")
			$optionschecked['signature'] = "checked";
		if($mybb->usergroup['cantrackpms'] == "yes")
			$optionschecked['readreceipt'] = "checked";
		$optionschecked['savecopy'] = "checked";

And remove this line:
		$optionschecked['savecopy'] = "checked";

Alternatively you can remove the $optionschecked[savecopy] variable from the private_send template, but you will lose the functionality of the checkbox selection being "remembered" when a user previews his or her PM.
Dennis Tsang
Former MyBB Team Member

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