Download Manager
Holy Cow! I actually worked on my Downloads Manager 2.0 plugin! There's still a lot to do before I release it, but at least now you can actually download files.

What I have done:
Group permissions on a category basis (i.e. deny guests access to category X, deny non-staff the ability to upload to category Y)
Uploading files
Downloading files
50% of the installation script
75% of the uninstallation script
MyBB integration (Who's Online location listing, template design, etc.)
Unapproved downloads not showing up to non-moderators

What I need to do:
Fancy MIME-type detection
Everything in the Admin CP
Moderator tools
Download ratings
Sorting categories
Improving robustness of upload/download systems (right now they're pretty simple)
Plugin hooks (yo dawg, I heard you like plugins, so I put a plugin in your plugin so you can modify MyBB while you modify MyBB)
Security review
Performance review

It's still going to be a while, and I don't have much deep testing yet, so don't get your hopes up for a release soon.
[Image: LogoO.png]
(2012-03-06, 05:15 PM)Firestryke31 Wrote: Plugin hooks (yo dawg, I heard you like plugins, so I put a plugin in your plugin so you can
Does it mean that the plugin comes with "custom" hooks ? If yes then I badly need such a system to integrate with some cool point system which I'm working on.
Yes it does. I'm trying to get it to be very much like MyBB to the point where people think it's part of core, and this includes plugin hooks and whatnot (especially with points/payment systems in mind). However I wouldn't hold my breath for it since my job is not very free-time friendly.
[Image: LogoO.png]

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