Myshoutbox 1.7 security problem csrf
Hello some one can help me to secure this plugins because it s a very good plugins but they are some probleme about the security.

for the csrf i know we need to use token

find :
Quote:<td class="trow2" align="center"><form onSubmit="ShoutBox.postShout(); $('shout_data').value = ''; return false;">{$lang->sf_sb_shout} <input type="text" id="shout_data" size="50" /> - <input type="submit" value="{$lang->sf_sb_shoutnow}" id="shouting-status" /></form></td>

replace by :
Quote:<td class="trow2" align="center"><form onSubmit="ShoutBox.postShout(); $('shout_data').value = ''; return false;">{$lang->sf_sb_shout} <input type="hidden" id="shout_key" value="{$mybb->post_code}" /><input type="text" id="shout_data" size="50" /> - <input type="submit" value="{$lang->sf_sb_shoutnow}" id="shouting-status" /></form></td>

find :
Quote:message = $("shout_data").value;

and put this line after :
Quote:key = $("shout_key").value;

find :
Quote:postData = "shout_data="+encodeURIComponent(message).replace(/+/g, "%2B");

replace by :
Quote:postData = "shout_data="+encodeURIComponent(message).replace(/+/g, "%2B")+"&shout_key="+key;

find :
Quote:if ($mybb->user['usergroup'] == 1 OR $mybb->user['uid'] < 1 OR !sb_can_view()) {

and put this line after :

after that desactive/réactive the plugin shoutbox and it s good.

but this correction is for spicefuse shoutbox how i can adapte it for myshoutbox 1.7
because for the last step :

find :
Quote:if ($mybb->user['usergroup'] == 1 OR $mybb->user['uid'] < 1 OR !sb_can_view()) {

i cant find this line on the myshoutbox 1.7 plugins

sorry for my bad english

help me thanks in advance
no one can help me ????
Those instructions are for the spicefuse shoutbox and not MyShoutbox thus they may not apply correctly.
There is a CRSF vulnerability for sure which I always forget to fix when I've got some free time. It isn't a big deal though, it won't damage your forum.
All my plugins are available for free at MyBB Extend and on my GitHub. has been closed and none of my plugins are officially maintained or supported.
thanks for your reply

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