Not Solved What is this?
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It comes up whenever i view a profile comment through the PM.
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The plugin is using an invalid variable name is what it seems like. Try deactivating the plugin or if you are running 1.6.5 or newer change the setting for No Plugins to on. If the error does not occur, it is a problem with the plugin.
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so deactivate it then what? Toungue
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Then attempt to view it again.
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I deactivated it and tried again it is now fine.. but i need that plugin Sad
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What plugins do you have installed?
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I have alot, but site loads fine, might get a bit slow once traffic increases but i can sacrifice a few once that occurs.. other than that, the only one causing the problem is the thread enhancer..

This 'error' only shows up when someone comments on a profile (with profile comments plugin) & when you get the PM to tell you, you click it then the error is in the header.. but if you generally go to the profile without clicking the PM.. it's not there.. it's strange..

You understand ? Toungue

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