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Solved: 12 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago MySQL custom fields
Solved: 12 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago

So, I added a Custom Profile Field, and set it to required when you register.
However, I can't find where MyBB stores this value.
Where does it get saved?


After some searching, I think I found it.
In the MySQL database, there's a table called mybb_userfields
In there, it saves the ID of the user + the values for all user fields.
Solved: 12 Years, 9 Months, 1 Week ago
From what I can tell, it seems to get saved in userfields->fidXX where XX is a number assigned based on how many fields already existed in the fid area. For example, I added a custom field and it added my_bb->userfields->fid15.

(2012-04-11, 01:46 PM)Lolmewn Wrote: Hi!

So, I added a Custom Profile Field, and set it to required when you register.
However, I can't find where MyBB stores this value.
Where does it get saved?


After some searching, I think I found it.
In the MySQL database, there's a table called mybb_userfields
In there, it saves the ID of the user + the values for all user fields.
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