2012-04-22, 09:55 PM
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(2012-04-21, 11:52 PM)winds Wrote: Hey guys,
I just noticed on my forum that when clicking the Last Post portion to go to the last post in a thread, instead of linking to the top of the last post, it goes almost all the way to the bottom of the thread, where quick reply / footer is.
Any idea why this would be?
Same thing happened to me. Just now the order of posts is messing up. Like the last post goes to first posts. then if not on the first posts it goes on the middle posts.
Another thing i noticed was that the latest thread / latest post DOES NOT seem to change. Even though i try posting new thread or reply to an old thread but the order of latest thread and latest posts doesnt seem to change. I already did recount and rebuild then cache manager -> forum cache - > rebuild cache.
But the problem where still the same. Anyone having the same issues?