Not Solved Move Boardstats?
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I was wondering if it was possible to move the board statistics area from its default location to the header.

I tried just copy/pasting the {$boardstats} from the Index, but its obviously more complicated than that.

Is it possible to do, and if so, could you explain how to do it?
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AdminCP > Templates > Your theme's templates > Index Templates > index > and search;
and Change it into;

The board stats will show on header. Does it something you like it to look like ??
Not Solved
Not quite what I had meant, but thank you for replying!

I was actually hoping to move the boardstats into a sidebar menu I had set up in the Header coding, so just moving it above the forums isn't enough.

My forum is here, for a visual reference:

I would like to place it beneath the 'Weather' section in the sidebar.
Not Solved
In the index template, search for;

and place {$boardstats} variable in between the two <br>, like this;

Not Solved
the <br>s are inside of my header template, and I have already tried putting the {$boardstats} between them, and nothing happens.
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If you wish you may PM me admin cp login details so I could do it for you.
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edit: And... I didn't look at the month and thought this was from yesterday. Ignore me bringing up a dead topic... Sorry about that.

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