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Solved: 12 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago Clear Cookies Link
Solved: 12 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
I have a help document set up called "Use of Cookies in MyBB". It is help document3 and the clear cookies link does not work.

If I view the site as either a user or guest and click the link then I get an error message
Quote:You could not be verified to clear cookies. This may have been because a malicious Javascript was attempting to clear your cookies automatically. If you intended to clear your cookies, please view the "Use of Cookies on MyBB" help document.

Link to my document.

Random Fish and Sims Maniac
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Solved: 12 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
See: [Issue #1587].
No longer involved in the MyBB project.
Solved: 12 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
I see. So what does this mean? That we cannot edit hid3? I use the standard English language, no translations in the board.

I see the SQA and target version are crossed out but the issue remains open. So will there be a fix?
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

Solved: 12 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
For now you'll need to run this in phpMyAdmin after editing:
UPDATE `mybb_helpdocs` SET `usetranslation` = '1' WHERE `hid` = '3' 
Solved: 12 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks ago
Well, that fixes the cookie link - it also reverts the contents of the page. I already followed through the links in the issues, found this post ( http://community.mybb.com/thread-78848-p...#pid577136) and tried that you see.... I am going to try changing the language file and THEN running that fix.

Thank you.

The edit of the language file and then changing the use translation worked. Thank you.
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
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