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Secure Your Forums (Full Tutorial)
One more tip.
If you have lots of members. Lets say 5000+.
Remove admin access on your admin id and before that create a new id and give admin access to it by changing primary group as admin and display group as general member. Then just access admin panel with this new id only and post with your admin id with no admin access. If hacker hacks your admin account he will not get admin access. Simple.
php-firewalls web site is messed up. I can't find the download link.
(2012-09-01, 12:03 AM)Kyle FYI Wrote: php-firewalls web site is messed up. I can't find the download link.

It won't do a whole lot from what I saw. It was also last updated a long time ago.
PGP Key (Fingerprint: 23B6 F4C0 FE2D 45AA 61A0 1E86 DB87 09DC DD87 6E40)
Php Firewall does not make your site more secure.
You say no plugins, but yet PHP firewall is now considered as a plugin. You telling me some hacker can't find a way around it?

I just found a way around it.
Is it a good measure to use the php firewall mentioned in this topic?

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