How to remove "Forum Contains No New Posts" "Forum is Locked"
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(2012-11-15, 11:26 PM)Tecca Wrote: You do realize there's a post above that says this exact thing, right?

no orange, that's why i scratched it out
old post - but this came up first in google, so adding what I did to fix it:

Admin -> Templates & Styles -> Templates -> Default

Index page -> Index

Remove, or comment out the <dl class> entry like this:
<dl class="forum_legend smalltext">
	<dt><span class="forum_status forum_on" title="{$lang->new_posts}"></span></dt>

	<dt><span class="forum_status forum_off" title="{$lang->no_new_posts}"></span></dt>

	<dt><span class="forum_status forum_offlock" title="{$lang->forum_locked}"></span></dt>

	<dt><span class="forum_status forum_offlink" title="{$lang->forum_redirect}"></span></dt>

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