[Tutorial] How to remove on/off icons from your forum
I'm going to show you how to completely remove on/off iconss from your forum.

We're going to being using the default mybb for the example, but if you're using an already made theme the steps should be the same unless they already modified the forumbit in same way.

How to remove on/off iconss

Step 1) Go into Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Forum Bit Templates > forumbit_depth1_cat.

You want to find the following code;
<td class="tcat" colspan="2"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_forum}</strong></span></td>

Change it to the following;
<td class="tcat" colspan="1"><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->forumbit_forum}</strong></span></td>

Step 2) Go into Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Forum Bit Templates > forumbit_depth2_cat.

You want to find and remove the following code;
<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}" /></td>

Step 3) Go into Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Forum Bit Templates > forumbit_depth2_forum.

Find and remove the following code;
<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}" /></td>

Step 4) Go into Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Forum Display Templates > forumdisplay_subforums.

Find and remove the following code;
<td class="tcat" width="2%">&nbsp;</td>

Step 5) Go into Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Index Page Templates > index.

Find and remove your forum legend code that shows the on/off iconss information;
<dl class="forum_legend smalltext">
	<dt><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/on.gif" alt="{$lang->new_posts}" title="{$lang->new_posts}" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 4px;" /></dt>

	<dt><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/off.gif" alt="{$lang->no_new_posts}" title="{$lang->no_new_posts}" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 4px;" /></dt>

	<dt><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/offlock.gif" alt="{$lang->forum_locked}" title="{$lang->forum_locked}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /></dt>

That's all you have to do!

Credits: Tindris

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
the icos are called "on/off icons", the ficons are the extra icons
Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink
Woops lol, I'll fix that.


All fixed.
And is this the same for adding them back?
(Doing it backwards)

If you want to add them back then just revert the templates back to default. You could always do a backward process but that's only if you made other customizations to the forumbit itself.

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