Not Solved Need to fix rounded post bit corners
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If you see, the post bit's corners are messed up. I've tried tampering with the .postbit template but it doesn't do any good besides messing up my code.

Can anyone help me?
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If you want to remove roundness:

in global.css find:
.tborder {
<all type of> border-radius ...
and remove.

If you want to fix that corner as rounded, add broder radius to:
.thead {
Not Solved
(2012-10-20, 12:27 PM)effone Wrote: If you want to remove roundness:

in global.css find:
.tborder {
<all type of> border-radius ...
and remove.

If you want to fix that corner as rounded, add broder radius to:
.thead {

The .thead one worked but it made everything else's corner un-rounded. I just want the post bit corners fixed because it looks kinda weird.
Not Solved
I've stated adding border-radius to .thead.
Provide the forum URL and I'll tell you exactly which code is required to be placed and where.

OK, the issue is solved over PM :p

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