Not Solved Mason theme modification
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anyone got any idea how can i take the nav menu a little bit down so the logo can fit in there
screenshot :
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You may add margin-top or padding-top property in the navigation menu class.
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i don't think that you get what i need I'm trying to move the forum a little bit down there so the logo can fit in there thoughts ?
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The way Yaldaram said to do it is correct.
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Added margin-top: 50cm; to ACP>templates and style>Edit theme>Global.css>.navigation
but still not working thoughts ?
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It won't be the .navigation class, but whatever class or ID your menu bar is (Home, Roster, etc). We can't say without a link though.

Also using relative length units are preferred over absolute (such as px instead of cm).
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thanks it worked
rep+ for both
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