Aggressive Spam Blocking

I am at my rope's end with the spam and wanted to know if someone could give me a hand with something.

I am using askimet and spamalyser which are amazing plug-ins, but the following text is making it past no matter what:

[ url ]blah blah blah [ /url ]

I'm getting 2-500 of these a day, and the users are registered. I don't want to kill the user experience by approving every post, and spamalyser does a great job of badword filtering (but this is just making it past).

So quite honestly I want to just hardcode it to reject/force approval on ANY post that contains [url] or [u r l] or <a> or <a > etc . I don't even need URL in my forum (yes I've set the settings in the forum so no one can paste links, but the spammers are doing [url] anyway and don't seem to care)

Where in the code can I go to add the statements to do this? I just need a .php file. Thanks!!

Thank you,
I was having a terrible time with it but took a few measures to stop it. restricting first post to an introduction forum helped a bit as I could see them quickly

The measures I have in place on a big board, occasionally one or two get through but maybe only 1 a week.

- Limit URL posting plugin. (allows you to limit how many posts are needed to post a URL. If you set this to say 20 or 50, then spammers will give up when they realise their link posting is restricted)
- Stop Forum Spam (This one is massively important)
- Ensure your captcha is enabled correctly and enable the hidden captcha field.

Its more about limiting the registrations of these spammers whilst keeping it open.
I get around 20,000 uniques a month with hits into the hundreds of thousands, yet get one of these spammers maybe once a month that somehow get through
Interesting thank you, what is Stop Forum Spam? A plugin?

(2012-10-25, 10:17 PM)Dannymh Wrote: I was having a terrible time with it but took a few measures to stop it. restricting first post to an introduction forum helped a bit as I could see them quickly

The measures I have in place on a big board, occasionally one or two get through but maybe only 1 a week.

- Limit URL posting plugin. (allows you to limit how many posts are needed to post a URL. If you set this to say 20 or 50, then spammers will give up when they realise their link posting is restricted)
- Stop Forum Spam (This one is massively important)
- Ensure your captcha is enabled correctly and enable the hidden captcha field.

Its more about limiting the registrations of these spammers whilst keeping it open.
I get around 20,000 uniques a month with hits into the hundreds of thousands, yet get one of these spammers maybe once a month that somehow get through
Yeah its a plugin.

Basically it checks registrations against a continuously updated list of known spam usernames and passwords as well as domains, so when someone registers it checks this list and either declines the registration or allows it but bans them I think.

That may not be the exact one I have installed but the effect is the same
To stop spamming I use No Links Allowed plugin which stops the user from posting a link before a Post count is met!! which makes it much easier for us to moderate the forums!!

Adding to this I think this thread should have been created in the General Support section Wink some Moderators should move it there!!
Want to promote your forum - is the place
(2012-10-26, 12:51 PM)hefind Wrote: To stop spamming I use No Links Allowed plugin which stops the user from posting a link before a Post count is met!! which makes it much easier for us to moderate the forums!!

Adding to this I think this thread should have been created in the General Support section Wink some Moderators should move it there!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

I found it helpful to have a "user requets" forum where everyone can only see tehir own threads and where anonymous posting is allowd. spambots seem to love it, akismet takes care of it (and if not it's invisible to anyone else but the spammer and the admins), and i rarely have any registered spambots at all.
I've had 99% success with combination of Spamalyser and Security Question.

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