Portal Block--Gallery Slideshow
Same issue with that one (although at least that site appears to be functioning).
(2012-12-22, 11:35 PM)Kylin Wrote: Same issue with that one (although at least that site appears to be functioning).

Also update the on in the index template and i will see if there is something i can change to make it work without the odd loading in effect.

Hopefully this works Smile


Using display: none;

If above does not work we can try to do it with jquery to hide them on dom ready and show them when the whole page is loaded properly.


Not sure how well it works in chrome etc though :/
The second solution with jquery seemed to do the trick. Tested it on 4 different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera) and it was successful for all of them. Good job and thank you kindly! Wink
(2012-12-23, 02:12 AM)Kylin Wrote: The second solution with jquery seemed to do the trick. Tested it on 4 different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera) and it was successful for all of them. Good job and thank you kindly! Wink

Ah great to hear its then finally working properly Big Grin
Will probably make a final release with all those changes in it.
I'm considering switching from ezGallery to a more powerful gallery system (Coppermine with full integration). My members aren't too keen on paying for the advanced ezGallery when we can get something just as good/better for free.

So my question is, would this plugin still function with a different gallery source like Coppermine? What edits would be necessary to pull the image from the proper source?
(2013-01-16, 04:09 PM)Kylin Wrote: I'm considering switching from ezGallery to a more powerful gallery system (Coppermine with full integration). My members aren't too keen on paying for the advanced ezGallery when we can get something just as good/better for free.

So my question is, would this plugin still function with a different gallery source like Coppermine? What edits would be necessary to pull the image from the proper source?

The idea behind the plugin would still work though you would have to run a different query to obtain the pictures from the coppermine database. It shouldn't normally take to many edits to change it but it will required changes.
Okay, I've almost got this working for Coppermine as well but need a tad more help. The steps I've taken so far include the following:

1. Download version 2.0 of the CPMFetch 'plugin.' You can find a download provided by pavemen here: http://community.mybb.com/thread-129345-...#pid938205

2. In install.php of above downloaded folder, find:

Replace with:

3. Upload the entire cpmfetch folder to your Coppermine Gallery's root directory. Navigate to the install.php file (such as yoursite.com/gallery/cpmfetch/install.php). The process should go smoothly and no error messages should show if everything is compatible/configured correctly. If you have images in your Coppermine Gallery, thumbnails should show on the install screen.

4. Download pavemen's MyBB plugin here: http://www.communityplugins.com/forum/my...own&did=20

5. Install the plugin and in your admin config settings, ensure the path is to the gallery path (for me, it was ../gallery/cpmfetch/ )

The above changes allow for you to call the gallery to your portal (index page will be added too after I get portal working) using {$cpmfetch_random} and/or {$cpmfetch_lastadded} variables.

At this point, I'm stuck on what to do next. I need to change the path of the slideshow somehow. I assume this is connected to the {$iPath} variable. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sooo close to being done with all this Big Grin
Any plans to upgrade the exGallery Portal/Index block plugin to myBB 1.8.3?
Hi, Is the index block plugin still working for MyBB 1.8.15, latest ezGallery? Anyone knows?

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