AdminCP Drop down menu
With this plugin you will be able to access some parts of your Admin CP from drop down menu. So when you click on Admin CP link in your header, you will get drop down menu with links to your AdminCP.
Does any one have some suggestions which links should i add to menu?
Jovan J.
Accounts awaiting activation would be good, and unapproved threads and posts.
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
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(2012-12-20, 10:48 AM)Leefish Wrote: Accounts awaiting activation would be good, and unapproved threads and posts.

Thanks Lee, i will add those Smile

Any more suggestions?
Jovan J.
Why not make the plugin extendable and just let the user choose which options will appear in the menu, along with some pre-defined options (which they can also remove)?
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If you put it like this you don't even need a plugin for it, you can put it directly into the header welcome admin template.
(2012-12-20, 11:10 AM)Beardy Wrote: Why not make the plugin extendable and just let the user choose which options will appear in the menu, along with some pre-defined options (which they can also remove)?

That's not bad idea, i will think about it. Thanks Smile

(2012-12-20, 01:19 PM)frostschutz Wrote: If you put it like this you don't even need a plugin for it, you can put it directly into the header welcome admin template.

Yes i know that, i will try to do something more as Beardy sayed Smile
Jovan J.

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