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Not Solved Problem with the word Xanax
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Recently, one of my members tried to post a document in a new thread. The member kept getting a server message saying they didn't have authorization. When referred to me, I kept getting the same message. After a couple hours of debugging, it boiled down to the word Xanax kept causing the error. Once I replaced the word, the thread posted with no problem. Any clues?
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sorry to bump this up, but I just discovered this problem with my forum as well....

any post, no matter the length, if it contains the word xanax, will not post....

why is this?

spelled any other way, it posts, but I thought it was a post length issue, I tried everything I could, and traced it back to this word.... even if it's just that word, it won't post, it says not authorized.... and I run this forum, I set it up, the word is not blocked, and I've posted it hundreds of other times, this just started 2 days ago.

Anyone have ANY idea at all why this might be happening?
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Do you have askimet enabled? I could be wrong, but it's possible that it is an anti-spambot feature.
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as a matter of fact, I do. But why would it just start doing this a couple days ago.

Also, I tried posting a rather long post, and it gives the same error, even without that word in it.

Is there any way to bypass that particular word in akismet?
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Do you have any word filters of xanax btw what does it mean may be your host blocking it
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It's most likely an antispam plugin, but I don't believe that Akismet blocks that word. You say it tells you that you are "not authorized" -- please post the exact error message.
Please don't PM me for support. Smile
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^ just a note: it is observed that many are turning off user friendly redirect pages and not getting the error messages !
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I just checked, and the friendly redirect pages is disabled already.

I do have a word filter set, but it's set to change zanax to xanax, so that it displays correctly.

I did this yesterday though, just so it would post without an error, before that, I had no word filters at all.

that does cause it to display correctly, without throwing an error.

the exact error is this:


I do have a couple other anti-spam plugins installed, I'm thinking it must be one of them

but what I don't understand, is why it just started happening the other day

I know that word has been posted before without this issue.

I'm still trying to sort through this, though I guess it's really not that big of a deal with the way I have it set up now, you just have to misspell it for it to show up properly... weird, huh?

another issue I've been having, and I'm not sure why, is it shows this in the address bar...

I'd prefer it didn't show that, and for some reason, now, it shows it twice...

I know this is a different issue, but I don't know if I should make a separate thread for this or not, as I've had advice about it before, but to no avail...

I have the seo friendly url's enabled, so that it shows the post title in the address, not the pid, but now both of them show up. Any suggestions?

Not Solved
Can you plz provide your forum url and test user accoun for word xanax issue
for 2nd issue
try to activate google redirects
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friendly redirect pages should be turned ON to get most of the internal error messages

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