FB login for mybb 1.6.9
This user has been denied support. This user has been denied support.
is there any mod for same? am ok if free/paid - but need something that works!
i need this too...
free :check at mybbmodding.net
paid :check at mybbaddons.com
The free version does not work with MyBB 1.6.9.
[Image: MaDuhur.png]
by Dukhor, IcyBoards Community Forums
https://github.com/Shade-/MyFacebook-Connect... just sayin'.
[Image: fSGNVQj.png]
^ nice to know that you are working on a free plugin (free like Sun Shine) for facebook connect.
Just to let you know, I'm building up the plugin partly basing on Nayar's one and I've just found a CSRF vulnerability into his plugin. Basically you can login exploiting the fact that the plugin is querying for an access token but it doesn't check whether if the request is coming from the user itself, as noticed in Facebook SDK Reference.

Thanks to Facebook PHP SDK I'll be using this high risk vulnerability issue won't exist.
[Image: fSGNVQj.png]
MyFacebook Connect is now available to download.
[Image: fSGNVQj.png]

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