Hi what seems to be the problem here! I am showing 50 results in the page but from like half of the page and down URL are showing as default ones not SEO Friendly:
What seem to be the issue? What half shows OK and the rest not?
Why this is not working with all links???
50 results UP OK down not.
What seem to be the issue? What half shows OK and the rest not?
Why this is not working with all links???
$threadlink = get_thread_link($whiletag['tid']);
50 results UP OK down not.
$querysearch = $db->query("
SELECT *, u.uid as byuid, u.username as byusername, a.lastpost as threadlastpost
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads a ON (a.tid=t.tid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=a.uid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users l ON (l.uid=a.lastposteruid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (a.fid=f.fid)
WHERE t.tags LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($search)."%' AND a.visible='1' AND a.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$where}
order by t.tid ".$mybb->settings['systemtag_ascdesclist']."
LIMIT {$start}, {$perpage}
while($whiletag = $db->fetch_array($querysearch))
$forumpermissions[$whiletag['fid']] = forum_permissions($whiletag['fid']);
// Make sure we can view this thread
if($forumpermissions[$whiletag['fid']]['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$whiletag['fid']]['canviewthreads'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$whiletag['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $whiletag['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
$threadlink = get_thread_link($whiletag['tid']);
$forumlink = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"".$mybb->settings['bburl']."/".get_forum_link($whiletag['fid'])."\">".$whiletag['name']."</a>";
$username = build_profile_link(format_name($whiletag['byusername'], $whiletag['usergroup'], $whiletag['displaygroup']), $whiletag['byuid']);
$lastuser = build_profile_link(format_name($whiletag['lastposter'], $whiletag['lusergroup'], $whiletag['ldisplaygroup']), $whiletag['lastposteruid']);
$time = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $whiletag['threadlastpost']);
$date = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $whiletag['threadlastpost']);
eval("\$listhreads .= \"".$templates->get("tags_listthread")."\";");