How can I automatically generate a spreadsheet based on my forum’s membership with these columns:
What I am after is this:
Cell 1 of row 1 of column 1 would contain the member name.
Cell 2 of row 1 of column 2 would contain the member join date.
Cell 3 of row 1 of column 3 would contain the member first post date.
If anyone can suggest a better place to post this I will ask mod to move it. Thank you for your help.
- Member
- Join Date
- First Post
What I am after is this:
Cell 1 of row 1 of column 1 would contain the member name.
Cell 2 of row 1 of column 2 would contain the member join date.
Cell 3 of row 1 of column 3 would contain the member first post date.
If anyone can suggest a better place to post this I will ask mod to move it. Thank you for your help.
My forum has a higher purpose.