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1.8 Username Prefix and Suffix
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Username prefixes and suffixes. I hate having to edit global.php.
From what it sounds like you need a plugin. A username in it's most basic form is an identifier. There's no real need for it to be anything different for the majority of forums.
No longer involved in the MyBB project.
I second this. I have never seen a forum use username prefixes or suffixes, so it should be a plugin.
This user has been denied support. This user has been denied support.
(2013-05-28, 01:56 AM)Jazza Wrote: I second this. I have never seen a forum use username prefixes or suffixes, so it should be a plugin.

We could make this into a plugin I suppose. Smile
Do you mean a different prefix and suffix for each user or group. If it is a group you can just use the group name style. (Admin CP -> Users & Groups -> Groups -> *Usergroup* -> Username Style)

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