[Will Pay] Simplified Dice Roller for Play-by-Post RPGs
I am willing and prepared to pay at least $100us upon completion to anyone who can create this mod and demonstrate that it works according to specification. I say "at least" because there are additional features I would like (at some point) for which I would be willing to pay extra.

I need a tag-based mod that can parse and sum multiple different die rolls and modifiers in the same statement. In addition, the random numbers generated on the initial post or preview should not get re-randomized on subsequent edits or previews.

Unlike some of the other mods I've seen, I'd like this roller to be tag-based with an optional title/label field like in the following examples:
Desired Syntax: [dice]1d20+10 + 1 + 1d6[/dice]
Desired Output: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 1 + (4) = 28
(with optional title...)
Desired Syntax: [dice="Longbow, point-blank, mythic surge"]1d20+10 + 1 + 1d6[/dice]
Desired Output: Longbow: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 1 + (4) = 28

  • Note that I have disabled the ability for forum members to use the [color] tags in their posts so that they cannot forge die roll results. (Hence the use of colored text in the die rolls.)
  • It is essential to be able to support the summing of multiple die rolls and modifiers within the same set of dice tags.
    Why? Features like spell buffs, elemental damage, sneak attack, etc. may all apply on a single attack roll.
  • It is necessary to be able to include many sets of dice tags in a single forum post.
    Why? If you make an attack, you must therefore also roll damage separately. At the start of battle, initiative is rolled for the whole group all at once. When the characters all enter a new room for the first time, Perception gets rolled for each individual. Etc...
  • Die roll results need to be visible when previewing a post and must not change after the initial preview or on any subsequent re-previews or edits.
    Why? Both the Game Master and all players need to narrate their actions according to the results of their die rolls. If I (as GM) roll for a bad guy and the preview results say the bad guy misses, I'm going to narrate my post as such. If I later edit my post to correct a typo and the results get re-randomized, there's a chance that miss could turn into a hit.
  • When quoting a post that contains die rolls, the preference is to get back the original input syntax of any die rolls, NOT the randomized results.

For some examples of these usage notes, please see the following posts and screenshots from the forums I've been using...
Multiple Die Rolls in the same attack: page=200#9963
Multiple NPCs attacking in the same post: page=200#9968
Die Roll Syntax and Preview:
[Image: 20130428040221%21Screenshot.png]

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